Saturday, March 16, 2019

Intermediate College Composition


I really like how you worded all that😂


"Millennials: The Worst, Most Entitled, Most Spoiled Generation in the History of Humankind?"

Yes, it's true!  Baby Boomers are the evilest for being "deceptive" - "giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading."  (Link.)  They keep acting like we have to do something more, but they don't.  In the end, they have no relationship with us younger people.  It's all about teaching us and nothing about having affection from other people, for racial issues or whatnot as false excuses all around.  They also don't respect us.  I'm not trying to go crazy in this reply, but it is funny and something I've been posting about on my blog today and at school, online.