Friday, March 15, 2019

Intermediate College Composition


A fallacy is an attempt to sway an argument by using information that is not true evidence.  The information may be errant logic, or pull at emotion, or it may be the misuse of, or attack of, someones character.  These fallacies may be purposeful or done out of ignorance.  The result is the loss of credibility for the arguer.  The danger of fallacies is creating an atmosphere of fear or anger, or swaying popular opinion from seeking the best solution to the solution that suits one person or group the best.


People like to sugarcoat ideas, like the ways movies seemed to used to be more well-respected and in the end it was just a trick with nothing there, like it was to lead to the Wizard of Oz or something, which didn't lead to anything, neither, though there are a lot of books in that series.