Friday, March 1, 2019

New Testament Survey


"In chapters 6 and 7 of our text, our author gives good summaries of both Luke and John's Gospels. For the forum this week, each student should choose one of those Gospels (either Luke or John) and discuss which concept in that respective chapter helps you understand that particular Gospel better."

My Post:

A Popular World Icon to Believe In

My answer is very ideal, typical, and obvious.  Actually, even when I was in 5th grade we were to give a speech on our favorite gospel and read some of it.  I chose Luke and read about the birth of Jesus.  Not until later/now did I realize the angels bringing the news of Jesus to the shepherds were only in Luke, as far as I could tell when I looked at each gospel.  Probably the biggest thing for us growing up and children of any age was the angels in Luke showing up to the shepherds interested in Jesus being born.  Some people even like an angel at the top of their tree.  The star could symbolize the star in Matthew, too, even.  Some people love the cold of Christmas, but they still use the angels all over as merchandise and as a seasonal sign of peace, like the dove in Noah's ark.  The angels and the star with the wise men are also in Christmas carols.  Christmas is both a religious and popular season.  Mostly, it is based on religion.  If you were an ancient Jew, it would be more natural for you.  It's like celebrating life, like the Spanish do in their popular celebrations, El Dia de los Muertos, mainly that I know of.  It's not like the Catholic church, where you chant in Latin from a distance.  It's like a birthday party where everyone is happy and one person, like Jesus as God, is the focus.  That may be why it is such a strong celebration today.  I noticed other seasons aren't as popular as winter, and I figured that was why.
