Sunday, March 3, 2019

Personal Evangelism


Forum on Biblical/Theological Basis of Personal Evangelism

Which biblical passage or theological concept is the most compelling for a basis or foundation for doing personal evangelism?  Why?  Let's discuss.

My Work:

Racism, or Sin

The theological concept that man sins or that people are imperfect seems like a very "compelling" "basis or foundation for doing personal evangelism."  Sure, God being almighty in and of itself is important and that Jesus is the only way is pretty basic.  The Bible has key terms and passages, too.

It is one cold and bitter topic that people are not perfect.  They go flailing about passing judgment and mostly relying on racism.  I see Swedish-looking girls back and forth with their bitter grimaces and spite towards life making a big percentage of them spited-ly overweight.  They don't even know that's a sin because it's not one of the 10 Commandments.  This is just the typical scene that pops up on any day out and about.  I would like to administer personal evangelism to people like this.

Then, there's the internet.  I keep getting dark, dull looking guys spamming me their threatening presence over me, when I can't get an emission from people I'm willing to hold a conversation with sometime.  Why them?  Can't they tell I don't want to fool with them?  I wanted other people to talk to me.  These men have no consideration when most nice people don't want to speak to me in case it wastes my time.  These men need to be restrained and taught personal evangelism.

Overall, the world could use a lesson on their biggest sin, racism.  I saw that Obama was even feeling uncomfortable while I watched him talk to Ellen DeGeneres on her show through the TV.  I felt so sorry for him.  I know Ellen DeGeneres had more success with Hillary Clinton live on her show.  A lot of people were supportive of Obama, but Trump seems to be more successful at getting people to like and trust him.  It's just too weird/suspicious.  I know Ellen DeGeneres has been famous longer, too, but most people don't feel belittled for instance by actors in Hollywood just because they aren't one of them.  Ellen DeGeneres pretty much seems like someone to trust, but she's a remote figure and distant person, who everyone wishes they knew or they are from an older bunch and say chuck it.

I think that sin is what will catch the attention of people and it is like a rapid fire at most people to try to get them to believe their sin being real, which seems is unsuccessful.  Racism is a source of most of this.  It is like the root of all evil.  You can have money or time, but you can't necessarily have racial security.  It's like God is a beggar here.  Sometimes, I don't feel God is fair.  Even people who aren't white are racist because they can be racist to mixed race people.  I guess what I'm getting at is that sin is an attractive topic to fight with with theological personal evangelism, maybe the topic itself of interest.  What would Jesus say to an Asian person?  Would he make Asians more accepted?  Are we all going to Hell because of racism?  Does race make someone have to suffer, like worse than a wild animal, like a monkey/primate?  No matter what you do you can't get out of racism.  I can't find a single person.

I think God took for granted racism.  He doesn't mention it, but it's such a big problem for a person to be of another race than white.  No one is helping.  It's "Hell on earth."  I think people need to administer personal evangelism in Christianity against racism, but I bet the holy/religious men are racist.  We should force this sin out of people.  No one has a problem with it because "it's not their problem."  They're white.  They are complacent, as Jesus would say.  Jesus died for our sins, but this was just floating as an excuse of complacency that was not considered something that was possible to exist as a sin.  It wasn't even a topic.  People thought race meant other kinds of white people.  Even black people are thrown in as white while Asians are left out.  I think that is a sin.  It's even more prevalent than sin itself and if it is even considered a sin.

People need to realize they just sin in general.  There are many other examples.  Racism is sin, and I just explained it as such.  I have a feeling what I said can be overlooked as something else, like a fight or uncontrolled cry for help, according to people who don't have to care who know they are considered white.  I'm just saying that sin is my focus for personal evangelism and I found this to be a big part of it.
