Thursday, March 21, 2019

General Psychology


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and its relation to understanding those who are underprivileged with the basic necessities of life. Help your reader understand why impoverished countries might experience lesser levels of education and how this might impact motivation positively or negatively. Why might education be a lesser concern in poorer countries?

My Work:

Education (Maslow)

Tier 1 - Food

Actually, even the top in education are lagging in the bottom of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.  They may be at a top college, and are they said to struggle to eat more than a bagel, like maybe going to medical school.

In high school, students are confused about what classes to take and overwork and end up not eating lunch to finish assignments.

Many people do not stop at McDonald's or Dunkin' Donuts on the way to work or school and may skip breakfast.  The only need some may fill is a drink of coffee, which may not be that bad but still not a "complete breakfast."

Tier 2 - Mental Security

Many people feel instable.  A race with poorer people is Asia.

High schoolers in the US primarily feel instable monetarily because it's "18 and out" normally.  They need a scholarship and some work.  High schools do not encourage everyone to follow their dreams, such as people in the creative and performing arts.  They only help in fields like healthcare and business.  They even make special arrangements to help in these fields but not including everyone still.  No one seems to know it's best to take the minimum requirements and to go ahead and graduate early, though that's just some areas probably.  If you linger and take extra courses, you might go amiss in your career path and college major for it.  Each class takes a lot of energy, especially the higher requirements,

Tier 3 - Love

Actually, in different areas of the country, people do not feel love.  If you live in Florida or somewhere in the US South, you should notice that only people with parents or ancestors from the US South get to "feel good."  You may never understand another culture.

Same with other countries.  I think Europe supposedly gets the most love and intended to be available to the US since we are the same culture, as a whole.

Tier 4 - Reputation

A lot of people aren't ready for high school because other people are ahead of their time but not well-behaved.  So, in the US, a lot of people don't feel like they're worth anything because they weren't prepared for college.  Asia is mainly good at math, but it's sad they are not as welcome in other fields.  They don't have as good of resources in classical music as countries like Germany.

Tier 5  - Identity

A lot of people go through life not knowing they have to do things like connect to their ancestral heritage dating back to Europe.  They are in places that are hot spots for issues like the US and just go through the motions.  A lot of people on the streets waltz around like they're all that, but they're really homeless.  It's strange they feel so egotistical without the base needs met.

Tier 6 - Art

Some people come from a normal family with nice houses decorated, but some people come from poor or less decorated houses, for example.  People tend to threaten you socially for what your family is like in this way, in how they treat you, again considered innocent just going through the motions.

The US a lot of it is not as aesthetic as cultures like Europe, again.

Tier 7 - Self Worth

People do not feel fulfilled because a lot of them wish they could do things they can't, like playing a considerably more difficult instrument like the violin.  People who do are probably "hanging on for dear life."

Tier 8 - Helper Traits

People in the US don't even care when you offer to help.  They might accept it but think you're just getting attention.

People having poor education is bad because it was such a big part and determination of life.   Europe will probably be on top for all it has culturally and all it is said to provide to those who can seek it out.

The fact there are poor people, in school makes the teacher drill in our heads to "feed the poor."  We will always have to worry about people being mad they didn't get a chance.  It is best to worry about problems that the privileged face because they are harder to solve, than putting a meal in front of someone, if we go to college to learn more than that, things that are more important in the hierarchy or advanced.